Eat that frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Mairaj
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Muhammad Mairaj Ahmad Apr 16,2021

Pomodoro is a famous technique used to deal with procrastination and to develop a habit of getting things done on time by using time-management strategy. Procrastination is our big hindrance towards success and it inhibits us from working with full potential and it became our habit to start work right before deadline.

“You may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again”_ Benjamin Franklin

As I also have a habit of procrastination so I planned to use this technique in order to help myself in starting work on time. I take following steps to practice this technique:

1.Decided the task to be done: I decided to do my project work about In-person drop while using this technique

2.Set the Pomodoro timer: I set an alarm of 25 minutes in my mobile that is suggested time for this technique

3. Remove distractions: I removed all the distraction in my surroundings and turned off my WIFI so that I can work on my project effectively without any hindrance

4: Start working on the task: I immediately started working on project with full concentration until alarm bell rang

5:Take break and set an another Pomodoro: I took break of 4 minutes then I set another Pomodoro and started working in the same way. I again repeated these steps for 3rd time as well.


1st Pomodoro: Here I brainstormed and it helped me to renew all information in my mind about my experience regarding in-person drop

2nd Pomodoro: Here I gave shape to my in-person drop experience by utilizing words and I wrote on medium blog post about that

3rd Pomodoro: Here I added pictures in my blog post, published it and shared it with my fellows by giving them link and I also pasted the link to my weekly PW.

